Friday, 25 September 2015

Photographs For Front Cover

This is the first photo that I took. I decided to do it against a white wall back when it came to editing and cutting parts out, I knew that patterns wouldn't be in the way and would make it easier to edit.

What I like about this photo is that she isn't being completely serious, instead she is laughing about the situation which is something that students do.

However, I don't think this would be a good magazine cover because she isn't looking directly at the photo and it's taken from a long shot.

The second photo is very simple and something that you would expect to see on a college magazine. The student is looking directly at the camera and is holding her folder.

What I like about this photo is that she is looking directly at the photo this time, compared to the first one when she wasn't. Also, the lighting is just right, it isn't too dark or too bright, so when it comes to editing the photo in Photoshop all I won't have to change the lighting as much as I need to.

 The third photo that I have taken is showing that she is smiling while looking at the camera. What I really like about this photo is that she is smiling while looking directly at the camera, which is good because it shows that she is having a good time.

However, the problem with this photo is that at the time that it was being taken, she moved her hand which has caused he hand to blur. If she didn't move it then this photo would be good for the front cover.

When I took this photo, I asked her to stand on a side because I thought that the lighting would reflect much better rather than her looking straight at the camera. This worked out well, because on the right side of the photo, it is much brighter compared to the previous photos that I have taken.

Once again, the lighting in the this photo is perfect as you can see the colours stand out more compared to what they used to. But the only problem with this photo is that her eyes are closed. At the time that I took this photo, she was in the middle of blinking and I took the photo at the wrong time. However, if her eyes weren't closed then I would use this as the magazine cover.

This photo is one of the best photos that I have taken. She is looking at the camera, not blinking and her hand isn't blurred from moving. Everything is exactly how it should be. Also, the lighting is the same as the rest of the photos. Overall, this is one of my choices for the magazine cover.

This photo is a medium close up, even though the rest of my photo's are long shot I can always crop them using photo shop. However, this photo is taken against a textured background with two different colours which seem to make her stand out from the rest of the photo.

Also, the lighting of this photo is much better than the rest of the other photo's because it is in natural daylight which is the best type of light.

This is my second favourite photo that I've taken. What I really like about it is that she is leaning on a side while looking at the photo, smiling as well.  Everything in this photo seems to contrast very well and the only thing that I would change about it is that I would make it a medium close up.

The final photo that I've taken is slightly different compared to the second one. This one is taken so that she is facing the camera directly and holding her folder. I think that this image could be improved if I had taken it as a medium close up.

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